It’s funny to me how the change of the weather can bring so many memories and change one’s attitude. Down south we really only have two seasons; hot and not. Today we had a cool front and we are in the 50s. The weather feels great and I once again have the energy and motivation to do things I haven’t felt like doing. The summer heat always makes doing things outside hard but with the cool weather I am eager to tackle the outdoor chores and with windows open, start cleaning and organizing.

I also find it amazing how as soon as the temperature drops I am reaching for my fall scents to melt in my home. I woke up to the cool temperature and reached for my favorite fall scent: Autumn Sunset. It is one of those scents that just makes the house smell like fall. Autumn is one of my favorite times of the year and I love the scents that come with it.

As I have said before, scent is your strongest memory recall and with fall there are so many things to remember. Picking apples, raking piles of leaves to jump into, going to the pumpkin patch and picking your pumpkin, or snuggling up with a nice book and a hot cup of cider. I get so excited when the stores start carrying the pumpkin flavoring for your coffee. I have a friend that I email every time I get my first pumpkin spiced latte each fall. It really is amazing how the fall can be such a time for memories.

It is interesting to me that I also find the fall the time of new beginnings. Yes, I know that is what most people think of Spring. But for me fall is the time when kids start school and we watch a lot of football in our house. I feel like it is the start of the year, and so much that we can do. It is the beginning of the holidays. And Christmas is my favorite holiday of all.

I had  a customer tell me recently that October 1st is the beginning of shopping season for her. This is the time of year I get to wear my jeans, boots and sweaters. I can eat hearty and not have to worry where it will show up.

One of my most favorite things about selling and sharing Scentsy is to meet people and talk about memories as well as make new memories. I invite you to post your comments and tell me your favorite fall scents and what memories they bring. If you are looking to find new new scents I would love to help! You can check out our new Fall Scents from Scentsy and make some new memories!

Happy Fall!