Joining Scentsy this month brings with it a whole new treasure travel of opportunities!
February is a transition month for Scentsy. It is the time of year when we wave “Good-bye” our Fall and Winter catalog, to make way for our new Spring and Summer catalog on March 1st. With so many new warmers and scents, new baby buddies and fragrant packs, and even two completely new product lines on the way, it truly is a better time than ever to jump on board, and join Scentsy today.
Upon becoming a Scentsy independent consultant this February, be prepared to take advantage of all the wonderful new stuff coming with Scentsy, including other brands and companies that are being added! To make things even better, those who join Scentsy this February get a DOUBLE starter kit, which includes both the fall & winter catalogs with testers, in addition to the spring & summer catalogs with testers. Factor in the huge 10% off sale going on all month, and there’s a true recipe for a successful Scentsy party!
Everywhere, people are rushing to join the amazing opportunities offered by Scentsy. Now college students have a way to make good money to put toward their tuitions, and can use a direct sales & network marketing company like Scentsy to provide the much-needed income to fund their college education. It makes no sense to work for someone else on their hours, when students are in school to learn and graduate. After 4 years, they could potentially be making more than some of their friends with job offers right out of school! Even stay at home moms and dads are finding that with Scentsy, there is a way to make good money from the comfort of one’s own home, and are discovering unparalleled opportunities as independent Scentsy consultants.
The best part about Scentsy is that it allows people to make new friends, be in charge of their own home-based business, all the while selling a quality product that one can truly take pride in! This is an especially great opportunity for those who are new to a city and looking to meet new friends, or simply wanting a change in their line of work, but don’t know where to go from here. Planning for the future has never been easier! Innovative new products and fragrance lines are being released on a constant basis with Scentsy, which means that business can only get bigger and better.
As early as March, new additions are already being seen to the Scentsy catalog, with introductions of a new Greeting Cards line, as well as the new Personal Fragrances line. The month of May will see the launch of an entirely new brand altogether, followed by another major brand launch in August, which will literally be the biggest brand launch ever in direct sales history. Needless to say, there are many exciting new changes in Scentsy right around the corner! With so many new and wonderful things on the way, now is the time to join Scentsy. There is just so much opportunity!
It’s important to remember to pick a sponsor, or join a Scentsy team with a leader that understands the value and benefits of the various product lines and brands. “I have a business degree/business and consulting background, and worked for Big 5 Consulting,” explains Chilly Zoretic, team leader for the Red Hot Chillys. “I get business – and I get the difference Scentsy offers. It is unlike any other direct sales company around.” As Scentsy continues to grow, and more brands are launched, it is imperative to A-line with a leader that understands the inner working of it all – marketing, branding and selling. That’s why it’s so crucial to find someone that will help you with a business plan and approach it in a way that’s designed to meet your own goals, whatever they may be: earning money to pay bills, having parties for fun, or Chilly’s personal goal, to replace her corporate income.
This is just the beginning of the exciting new growth within Scentsy. “In years to come, I would expect multiple brands,” predicts Chilly. “I am providing my team the leadership, coaching and foundation to take advantage of this huge growth. It is a simple business, with a simple plan, and amazing support.” Don’t wait another moment! Join Scentsy today and take hold of your financial future once and for all.
The Scentsy mission is to bring value to the world by providing an industry-leading, family-friendly business opportunity selling creative, artistic, high-quality products that Warm the Heart, Enliven the Senses, and Inspire the Soul.
To learn more about the Scentsy Business Opportunity, Chilly’s team, or how to join to become a Scentsy Consultant, please visit:, or send an email to: [email protected].