Cat and Dog Scentsy Buddies

Scentsy has added two new buddies to the Scentsy Buddy line and a new Charitable Cause buddy. We are very excited to introduce our new Scentsy Friends! View the entire Scentsy Buddy Collection.

Meet Patch the Dog

Scentsy Buddy

Purchase Patch Scentsy Buddy

Meet Scratch the Cat

Scentsy Buddy Cat

Purchase Scratch the Cat

Meet Sasha the Bear

Sasha is our first Charitable Cause Scentsy Buddy.

Learn more about Scentsy Charitable Cause Products.

Scentsy Buddy Bear

Purchase Sasha the Bear


Meet Pookie the Bear, a special holiday Scentsy Buddy

Warm, white, and oh-so-fluffy, Pooki is the perfect companion on a blustery winter day. Dressed with a hat and scarf, Pookie is ready for the winter!

Purchase Pookie the Bear

Looking for another Scentsy Buddy? Check out the originals!

Wonder how Scentsy chooses new buddies?