Scentsy Bar ~ Baked Apple Pie Scent


baked apple pieScentsy Baked Apple Pie scent is a Scentsy favorite! It is in the cafe & bakery Scentsy catagory. The Bakery scents are some of the strongest Scentsy scents.

Picture this: a flaky pie crust with apples and spices. Mmmm, makes me hungry just thinking about it. This is also a great scent to use while entertaining or if you are trying to sell your house.
This is a strong scent and people who enjoy cinnamon might like this one. Give it a try! You can even mix it with Clove & Cinnamon to change it up!

Purchase Baked Apple Pie Scentsy Bar

Looking for your favorite Scentsy Scent? Run out of Wax and want a refill? Scentsy Bars can be purchased individually or in a cost savings multi-pack.

Each Scentsy bar has 8 squares that can be broken apart for use. Use one or two cubes of wax in your full size warmer and one cube in your nightlight.
Scentsy has over 80 different scents to chose from.

View all Scentsy products available in Baked Apple Pie Scent


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