The Scentsy Special Warmer for September is Hocus Pocus, a large element Scentsy Warmer.
Brew up some Halloween lore of your own with Hocus Pocus! The witches cauldron is sitting on a wood fire. When thinking of witches brew we think of the most common of all magic words – Hocus Pocus. The intricate, hand-wound wire construction of the tree and web adds spooky cool craftsmanship to this spellbinding scene. This Halloween Scentsy warmer is the perfect addition to your Halloween decorating! It is a large element warmer.
Purchase the September Scentsy Warmer of the Month Online
A Brief Halloween History
The origins of Halloween are believed to date back over 2,000 years to a Gaelic Festival. Samhain,meaning summers end, celebrates the end of summer and harvest and the beginning of the dark and cold winter. The darker half of the year was associated with death, cold and dark.
During this celebration the living would honor and celebrate their ancestors and those who had died. They would leave food and drink as offering to the spirits to appease them in hopes of a non-harsh winter. Souling, mumming and guising were all part of the festival. People would go door to door often in disguise singing for soul cakes or reciting verse in exchange for food
The Catholic Church established Nov. 1st the feast of All Martyr’s which later explained to include all saints. All Souls day was a celebrated feast as well. The mass for the day was call All Hallows Mass. So October 31st was known as all hallows eve, and later shortened to Halloween.