What is Scentsy Club?
Scentsy Club is our convenient subscription service that lets you schedule regular shipments of your favorite Scentsy consumable products to be delivered directly to you! Scentsy Club also offers exclusive perks available only to our Scentsy subscribers. Running out of your favorite Scentsy products can be a nightmare, with a Scentsy Subscription you can get Scentsy products delivered right to your door before disaster strikes.

How Scentsy Club Works

Check Out These Amazing Perks!

10% Discount
Orders of $30 or more receive a 10% discount

Half Price Item
Orders of $60 or more can add an additional product at half-price.

Get it When You Want it
Customizable with three subscription options to suit your schedule.

So Many Options
Includes all consuable products: Scentsy Bars, Scent Circles, Scentsy Oils and anything else that needs a restock, even light bulbs!

Add a Brick
Add a Scentsy Brick in select fragrances to any Scentsy Club order.

Always Get My Bar
If we discontinue a bar that’s in your subscription, we’ll keep making it just for you (as long as you keep it in your order!). See FAQ for details.

Referral & Rewards
Our new rewards and referrals program, you earn points for your own
Scentsy Club purchases, plus twice as many points from people you
refer. Redeem points for discounts up to 50% off future Scentsy Purchaes.
More Ways to Enjoy Scentsy Club
Don’t want to get the same thing each month? Check out these options to keep the surprises coming!

Limited Time Offers

Scent of the Month
You can add “Scent of the Month” bars to your subscription and recieve the newly released scent each shipment. No need to check, edit or add, each subscription will have the Scent of the Month for thst month.
Whiff Box
Each month, we put together a Whiff Box filled with new, trending and seasonal products for you to discover. What’s inside is always a surprise!
Scentsy Club Frequently
Asked Questions

What is Scentsy Club?
Scentsy Club is our subscription program that lets you schedule recurring shipments of your favorite Scentsy consumable products to be delivered directly to you! Scentsy Club also offers exclusive perks available only to our Scentsy subscribers.
What does the Scentsy Subscription Cost?
Nothing! There are no fees to join the Scentsy Club subscription program, and there are no minimum or maximum purchase requirements. You pay only for the products you order, plus any applicable tax and shipping charge.
What are the exclusive perks available to Scentsy Club subscribers?
- All club orders of $30 or more receive a 10% discount.
- All club orders of $60 or more receive a 10% discount and are eligible for an additional Scentsy Club product (including Whiff Box!) at half price (Excluding licensed products). The $60 minimum is based on the full retail price, before the 10% discount is applied.
- Subscribers get exclusive access to Always Get My Bar (see below).
- Customers can earn points for discounts through the Scentsy Club rewards and referrals program.
What is “Always Get My Bar”?
Always get my Scentsy bar is probably the most popular perk, exclusive to Scentsy Club subscribers. Throughout the year, Scentsy Bars are discontinued to make room for new ones. With Always Get My Bar, there’s no need to worry about losing a favorite fragrance for good. If we discontinue a bar that’s in your subscription, we’ll keep making it for you (as long as you keep it in your subscription)! This even applies to Scent of the Month Scentsy Bars, Limited Time Scentsy Specials, Scentsy Wax Collections and Bring Back My Bar fragrances.
How does Always Get My Bar work?
- Always Get My Bar is only available to Scentsy Wax, fragrances released as a Scentsy Bar or Scentsy Brick. It does not include scent or products outside of the wax category.
- A Scentsy Bar may only be added to a subscription while it’s still available for sale on my Scentsy website.
- In the case of a limited-time offer Scentsy Bar, even if it sells out quickly, that bar will remain available exclusively in Scentsy Club for 30 days from the bar’s launch date. Or the bar will remain available in Scentsy Club longer if we still have inventory beyond 30 days.
- Licensed bars (such as NFL, Warner Brothers or Disney) are eligible for Always Get My Bar, but the license must still be valid. If the license expires, we will no longer be able to make the bar for anyone.
- Total quantity of a discontinued bar may be decreased, but not increased.
- Shipment of a discontinued bar may be skipped once in a 12-month period. Beyond that, the bar is automatically and permanently removed from the subscription.
- Shipments that are skipped due to a failed payment will count as a skip toward Always Get My Bar.
- If a discontinued bar is removed from a Scentsy Club subscription, it may not be added back unless it becomes available for sale again.
What Scentsy Products are eligible for a Scentsy Club Subscription?
Eligible products include all Scentsy consumables, event Air Purifier filters, cotton cleanup and light bulbs. For all available products included Click Here
List of Scentsy Consumable Products
- Scentsy Bars
- Scentsy Bricks *only for Scentsy Club Customers
- Scent Circles
- Air Purifier Replacement Filter
- All-Purpose Cleaner Concentrate
- Bathroom Cleaner
- Best Bud Suds Pet Shampoo
- Body Cream
- Body Wash
- Car Bars
- Car Bar Clips
- Cotton Clean Up
- Counter Clean
- Dish Soap
- Dryer Disks
- Fragrance Flowers
- Fragrance Mist
- Freshen Up Pup Dog Deodorizing Spray
- Hand Cream
- Hand Soap
- Laundry Liquid
- Light Bulbs
- No Knot Spot Dog Detangling Spray
- Room Sprays
- Scentsy Fresh Fabric Spray
- Scentsy Oils
- Scent Paks
- Scentsy Pods
- Scentsy Soak
- Scent Soft Fabric Softener
- Scentsy Whiff Box
- Travel Tins
- Scentsy Whiff Box
- Washer Whiffs
- Washer Whiffs Tub
Please note: Scentsy products may vary from month to month.
Are limited time Scentsy offerings eligible for Scentsy Club Subscribers?
Yes! Here’s a list:
- Scent of the Month
- Add Scent of the Month products (Scentsy Bars, Room Sprays and Scent Circles) to your subscription to get a different fragrance each month.
- Scent of the Month Bars
- Add any currently available Scent of the Month Scentsy Bar to your subscription and get that bar forever with the Always Get My Bar perk.
- Wax Collections
- Add individual Scentsy Bars from wax collections within 30 days of the collection’s launch date, or as long as the bars are still available to purchase (whichever is longer). Individual bars from wax collections are also eligible for Always Get My Bar.
- Bring Back My Bar
- Add any — or all! — Bring Back My Bar winners during their featured selling period and get your favorites forever with Always Get My Bar.
- Scentsy Brick fragrances
- Add Scentsy Brick fragrances as Scentsy Bars within 30 days of the brick’s launch date, or as long as the bars are still available to purchase (whichever is longer). Scentsy Brick fragrances as Scentsy Bars are also eligible for Always Get My Bar.
- Whiff Box
- Add a Whiff Box to your Scentsy Club subscription for a surprise assortment of trending and seasonal products each month.
How do I qualify for 10% off my Scentsy Order?
Once your subscription total reaches $30 (product retail amount), you automatically will receive a 10% discount for that subscription. This discount will remain as long as you have at least $30 worth of Scentsy Club products in your subscription. The 10% discount does not include or cover sales tax. You will not receive an additional 10% during transition months.
How do I qualify for a half-price item?
Once your subscription total reaches $60 (product retail amount), you qualify to add an additional product at half-price. This half-price item will remain as long as you have at least $60 worth of Scentsy Club products in your subscription. If the Scentsy Club product retail amount falls below $60, the half-price item will be automatically removed. Recurring half-price items may be changed or edited. Half-price item must be redeemed on your current shipment. If you don’t redeem it, the half-price reward is lost. You will not be charged if the half-price item reward is not used. Licensed products are not eligible to redeem as half-price items in Scentsy Club.
If you merge multiple subscriptions that each include a half-price item, you will need to select just one of the half-price items to continue for your merged subscription. If any of your half-price items are a Scentsy Bar that you’re getting through the Always Get My Bar perk, you must keep that bar in your subscription to continue receiving it.
How do I create a Scentsy Club Subscription
Click Here to create a Scentsy Club Subscription or Learn More HERE
- Click this link to Create Scentsy Subscription
- Choose how often you want your subscription to ship: every month, two months or three months.
- Browse through all the eligible Scentsy Club products and add products to your subscription.
- Proceed to checkout by logging in or creating an account.
- Set up your recurring payment.
- Enjoy your Scentsy Club subscription!
How do I update or change a Scentsy Club Subscription
Click Here to update a Scentsy Club Subscription or Learn More HERE
You may modify your account and profile information at any time:
- Click on “My Account” at the top of your Consultant’s Personal Website.
- After you log in, click “My Scentsy Club” to view your upcoming shipments and/or edit your subscription.
Please note: There is a 10-day blackout period prior to the process-for-shipping date when subscriptions may no longer be modified. Email reminders are sent to ensure you have the opportunity to make changes prior to the blackout period. If you modify an existing subscription order within 10 days of your next shipment date, those changes will be applied to the next available subscription shipment.
You may also remove an individual item or skip the entire order at any time. If you cancel an order that includes an Always Get My Bar fragrance, that cancellation counts as a skip according to the Always Get My Bar rules.
What is the Scentsy Club rewards and referrals program?
Scentsy Club rewards and referrals is a new program to reward our most loyal customers. Club customers earn points on their own subscription, and earn even more points by referring friends and family. Points can be redeemed for discounts on their future Scentsy purchase.
What are Scentsy Reward Points worth?
Unless otherwise noted, points may be redeemed at a 25:1 ratio:
- 25 points equals a $1 discount
- 100 points equals a $4 discount
- 500 points equals a $20 discount
When are Scentsy Rewards Points added to my account?
Points are processed and added to your account at the beginning of each month.
Do Scentsy Reward Points expire?
Yes, points expire after 180 days. Club customers will receive an email 30 days prior to any points expiring.